Why Generative AI Isn’t Ready for the Production Phase… Yet

Generative AI is making waves in content creation, and it’s easy to see why. An infinite pool of creative inspiration. The promise of creating instant, scalable content (from scratch) at the click of a button. It’s tempting for any brand. But when it comes to the production phase - the critical point where creativity turns into execution - AI still has a long way to go. Here’s why generative AI isn’t ready to take the reins in content production… yet.

Production Demands Precision, Not Creativity

Creativity is the spark that ignites great content, but by the time you reach the production phase, that creativity has already been approved and locked in. Now, it’s all about precision, efficiency, and consistency. Generative AI almost always introduces new elements, which seriously complicates and slows down the production process. Not to mention introduces another round (or more) of creative approvals. What you need is a system that supercharges your campaign execution - not one that adds extra steps or, at worse, compromises the original creative vision.

The Plagiarism Pitfall

Generative AI doesn’t create content out of thin air. It learns from existing content, which raises a serious red flag: plagiarism. AI can inadvertently recycle ideas, phrases, and even entire passages from its training data, leading to content that’s not just unoriginal but potentially infringing on copyrights. The legal and reputational risks are enormous. In the production phase, where there’s no room for error, this risk is simply too great to ignore.

No Room for Error

Production is a stage where there’s zero tolerance for mistakes. Every piece of content must align perfectly with the approved creative direction. Generative AI, however, can be (and still is) unpredictable. This unpredictability poses significant risks in a phase where errors can lead to off-brand messaging or costly delays. When precision is paramount, AI’s inconsistency is a liability you can’t afford.

The Authenticity Gap

Authenticity is the currency of modern branding. Consumers don’t just want content; they want content that feels real, relatable, and human. Generative AI, while impressive, often falls short in this area. The content it produces can feel robotic and detached, lacking the personal touch that makes a brand’s voice truly resonate. In the production phase, where the focus is on executing an approved creative vision, this gap in authenticity becomes a serious liability.

Brand Identity at Risk

Your brand’s identity is its most valuable asset. It’s what makes you recognizable, trusted, and loved by your audience. But when you outsource content creation to AI during production, you risk diluting that identity. AI lacks the deep understanding of your brand’s values, mission, and personality that human creators bring to the table. The result? Content that’s off-brand, generic, and ultimately forgettable. And in a crowded market, forgettable is the last thing you want to be.

The Bottom Line: Generative AI Isn’t Ready Yet, But Automation Is

Generative AI is an exciting tool with enormous potential, but when it comes to the production phase, it simply isn’t ready. Don’t let anyone else tell you it is. This stage demands precision, consistency, and an unwavering commitment to the approved creative vision - qualities that AI currently struggles to deliver. The stakes are too high, and the risks too great, to rely on a technology that can’t guarantee the flawless execution your brand needs.

But that doesn’t mean automation isn’t the answer. Creative automation is a game-changer, offering the best of both worlds: the efficiency and scale of automation with the control and precision of human oversight. With creative automation and a tool like ReMake, you can streamline the production process, ensuring that your content is delivered on time, on brand, and at scale - without sacrificing quality.

At ReMake, we recognize the immense potential of Generative AI and are actively working to integrate it into the production phase in a way that aligns with your brand’s data and workflows. Our goal has always been to harness the power of AI without ever compromising the precision, consistency, or brand integrity that your campaigns demand. See here.

As AI technology evolves, ReMake is committed to ensuring that when the time is right, Generative AI will be a seamless, reliable part of your production toolkit, empowering you to stay efficient, stay precise, and stay true to your brand - every step of the way.

Until then, automation is the way forward.

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