Preparing files for ReMake

Here’s a short guide to help you get your After Effects files ready for versioning. It’s painless, we promise! This simple process will make life easier for any ReMakers. It can also dramatically improve results, increase productivity and make your ReMake experience even better*.

Step 1: Formatting and Layer Names

  • Assets must be prepared in Adobe After Effects 2024.

  • Pre-set your boundaries by setting your text to ‘Paragraph Text’ and increasing the size of the bounding box to its maximum capabilities within your composition.

  • Please remove any special characters from the names of both your file/folder and any media within the project that will be replaced through ReMake.

  • ReMake pays close attention to layer names when versioning. If your text layers have the same name in After Effects, ReMake will recognise them as one versionable layer. If you need to version your text layers independently, ensure they are named uniquely. Lastly, remove any special characters (e.g. / ! £ % . - ,) from all layer names.

Step 2: Tailoring Assets

Preparing your original content

If you’re Intending your original content to have switchable media layers such as images, video or audio, these are the accepted file formats:

  • Images = PNG or JPG

  • Video = MP4 or MOV

  • Audio = MP3 or WAV

Preparing your replacement content

If you’re using ReMake to switch out images, video or audio, the replacement media should have the same dimensions and file format as the media layer being replaced. 

NB: ReMake replaces video and audio files based on timecodes within the composition, we recommend that any media being swapped out is also the same length in duration.

Layered PSD files within your After Effects Project

  • In order for ReMake to handle your renders as expected, you must ensure that all layered PSD elements are named uniquely within your PSD file.

Step 3: Saving Your Project

Before you upload your assets it’s important to save, collect and file them appropriately. 

  • A: Reduce the After Effects project [File > Dependencies > Reduce Project] to remove any unused assets.

  • B: Collect assets into one folder to ensure ReMake can find them [File > Dependencies > Collect Files].

  • C: Export an MP4 and PNG for each master composition, these will be used to preview your original content within the platform. These can be low res, should have the same name as your corresponding composition, and be placed within the collected folder alongside your project file.

And that’s it. As easy as A, B, C!

Preparing your Photoshop Files - Pro Tips.

  • Set your text to ‘Paragraph Text’ and increase the size of the bounding box to allow for more characters when versioning.

  • All your images that will be switched within the platform must be in ‘Smart Objects’.

  • Ensure your project file is saved as a PSD.

* You have the ability to make font and size adjustments in the platform. If you have both bold and regular across one line, please separate these into different layers.

Our Promise

The ReMake team is here to help you version and scale your content. We can evaluate that content and recommend best practices for getting the most from the platform. NB: We cannot guarantee that all files will be compatible with ReMake; in some rare cases there may be content that is incompatible with some of its scalable features. In this event we can discuss alternatives on a case-by-case basis.

A note about Fonts and Plugins

ReMake has access to Adobe’s font library. Additional fonts must be fully licensed and provided as .OTF, .TTF and/or .TTC. Drop them into your font folder in your ReMake asset library and they’ll be automatically installed into the platform.

These After Effects plugins are pre-installed into ReMake:

  • Maxon Red Giant

  • Element 3D

  • Saber

  • Optical Flares

 How can we help? 

Do you need more plugins or fonts installed?  Or have any queries on the asset preparation steps? 

Feel free to reach out to [email protected], we will be happy to help.

 *All file uploads are subject to ReMake's terms and conditions and acceptable usage policy.  Files must be prepared as per the ReMake-ready guidelines to avoid additional asset preparation charges. Speak to our support team for more information. 
**Any additional plugin requirements will be subject to review and approval by the ReMake support team for setup and installation. ReMake cannot guarantee all plugins will be compatible with the platform and are subject to a minimum turnaround time of 2-3 business days.