Personalized Marketing – The Right Content for the Right Situation

A whitepaper by ReMake and Mymyne.

Generic marketing solutions no longer work. Increasingly, online audiences no longer respond in the same way to short-term conversion CTAs, and businesses yet to adapt endanger their long-term customer interest, loyalty and retention.

Personalized marketing is the future. It has higher conversion rates, is more cost efficient and, most importantly, continues to grow in popularity amongst digital customers.

This whitepaper explores two key personlized marketing strategies ready to be implemented by D2C brands to respond to dynamic buyer trends. In collaboration, ReMake and Mymyne have conducted market research on two approaches tailored to the new age of digital marketing: Situational Targeting and Versioning.

Changes in consumer behaviour have been accelerated by Covid-19, and a personalized strategy is key to engaging audiences as we come out of the pandemic. Catching customers at the right time, with the right content, has never been more vital. D2C businesses who deploy Situational Targeting and Versioning will be best placed to do just that.



Personalized Marketing: The Right Content for the Right Situation


Adding Video to Your Social Content Strategy