Amen to Automation - Solving the Biggest Ad Versioning Headaches
Traditional ad versioning is a ballache.
Capacity killer. Budget slayer (and not in a good way). Unbelievable time suck.
The processes just don’t work. Believe us.
We spent the best part of 17 years tolerating them, before pivoting entirely and building our own automation platform. Yep. Such were the pains, that it made more sense - and really think about it - to go to the lengths of developing an actual piece of software to make our lives easier. It worked too.
It is, of course, a very human disposition to accept pain points as standard. Even now - in the face of AI developments and automation breakthroughs - a ‘comes with the territory’ point of view is still rife in agencies, production teams and brands when it comes to ad versioning. It is what it is. That’s the job.
The fact is; the job could be much simpler. Your way of working - or ad versioning - could be a damn sight more productive. And, if you want to talk money: a hell of a lot more cost-effective.
That’s what this article is about. A look at all the pains you could wave goodbye to with the aid of automation. The light at the end of the tunnel - and the wins you could make along the way.
… we could probably recommend a platform, too.
The Capacity Killer
Being honest: What do your designers spend the majority of their time doing?
Localization? Manually versioning assets? And, amongst all that, when do they find the time to get creative? Are you truly maximising their talent?
‘No’ is too often the response we get. It’s a crying shame. After all, it is, in part, their creativity that will drive your brand forward. The stuff that wows consumers and audiences.
Thankfully, creative automation can help. With the power of automation, you could be versioning 1000s of assets in the time it takes to brief your designer - freeing them up to do what they do best.
A win-win for you. And believe us, your designer will love you for it.
A Quality Assurance Nightmare
Picture this: Another country. You’re scrolling your feed. And you spot it. Your asset. Except, it doesn’t look like your asset…
… the logo is in the wrong place, the text isn’t aligned as it should be, and what’s with the font weight?! Someone, somewhere, has made a dog’s dinner of it. It’s an all too familiar tale.
Quality assurance is a nightmare to manage on a global scale and brand identity is compromised on a daily basis - despite teams doing their utmost to ensure it doesn’t happen. And that’s the thing: when it comes to the old way of ad versioning, there’s no such thing as ‘total control’. The new way, however, is an entirely different story.
An automation platform can allow for strict permissions, whilst locking elements of the creative. Meaning local teams can only version your assets the way you want them too - whilst applying the necessary personalization.
Optimized assets. Zero compromise. Zero brand identity at stake.
Budgets at Breaking Point
As if budgets weren’t stretched enough. The sheer amount of content required these days has them at breaking point.
The resource required to meet demands is playing a significant role. Now teams aren’t just burdening their existing workforce with ad versioning tasks, but hiring even more bodies to action them too.
And don’t get us started on the cash pillaged on errors and iterations.
The relief is, all of the above can be wholly alleviated with an automation tool. Assets can be versioned at record-breaking speed. While, with ReMake, iterations can be made at no extra cost - meaning you only pay for what you use.
Would you believe us if we said you could be saving up to 90% of your existing versioning budget?
The Time Suck
Time, of course, has become a major casualty in the process.
We’ve touched on that of designers, but their time isn’t the only victim. There’s the producers, social teams, brand managers (and the rest) to think of too. All of whom’s days - and nights - are eaten up by endless email loops, approvals, corrections, recalls and everything in between. A total time suck and unnecessarily stressful. It needn’t be.
Perhaps the best part of our platform is that everything is in one place. A whole ‘Review and Approve’ feature that allows for seamless commentary and sign-off.
No long and daunting email threads. No getting confused. No recalls. No hoping your amends were interpreted properly.
It’s a dream, really.
Let us prove ourselves to you. Book a tour of ReMake to see how it solves your biggest ad versioning pain points.