Insider #9: Shout-out to the unsung heroes.

Hey ReMakers,

As a MarTech business, we’re only ever a Marketing Week article or LinkedIn post away from seeing the latest, and most celebrated marketing campaign. But it got me thinking about the stories we don’t hear so often, about all those working tirelessly behind the scenes to help businesses meet their objectives.

For that very reason, for this month’s #BrandIcon, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the amazing people standing just beyond the spotlight, the ones that make all the awards and heroics a reality - the unsung heroes of Procurement and Operations.

And to make it real, we’re delighted to announce that we’ve again partnered with ProcureCon, who have arranged a limited number of free trials of the ReMake platform for their audience - more on that below.

I’ve seen first-hand the benefits of strong operations teams across the marketing and entertainment industries, diligently helping to support, guide, and grow brands during an era of uncertainty.

Procurement, Operations, we salute you!

Until next time.

Team ReMake

Offer: ReMake Free Trial

To help celebrate the unsung heroes of procurement and operations, ProcureCon have arranged a limited number of free trials of our platform. 

Click here to secure your place >

Blog: ReMake Your Carbon Footprint

Every ad and piece of content you localize using our platform is offset at 200% through Gold Standard climate projects supported by WWF and certified by the UN.

Read the blog >

Your localization costs. Revolutionized.

Let's talk about time and money. If your usual editor hourly rate was £75 per hour, producing 2,000 campaign assets using ReMake would save you £57,000 and 960 hours.

Use the calculator >

#BrandIcon: Unsung Heros

This month we celebrate Procurement and Operations - because for every Batman, you need an Alfred. The ones standing just beyond the spotlight, the ones that make the awards and heroics a reality. The people enablers, ensuring that the great things can happen.

Meet this month's BrandIcon >

About ReMake.

A brutally simple localization platform that enables teams to tailor content, for every screen and customer type in minutes.

ReMake is the ultimate campaign power-up for multi-channel brands on the cutting edge of content - and those that want to be there. A solution that makes it easy for everyone, from the intern to the CEO, to generate hyper-localized, revenue-generating, content on every channel, including broadcast.

Engineered for simplicity, speed, and scale, ReMake automates the boring and repetitive marketing tasks that content teams do battle with every day.

It means they can focus on what they do best, creating.

It means you can make like lightning - make content, make money, make time.


5 Make-or-break Lessons For Every Start-up.


Operations and Procurement: The Unsung Heroes.