Gymshark: The Wellbeing Sportswear Brand.

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month in the US, and we’ve been keeping an ear to the ground over the last few weeks; on the lookout for the powerful and thought-provoking content campaigns that are inspiring positive conversation and helping quash the stigmas that, still too often, surround the subject of mental health. 

And for us, there was one campaign that really stood out. Gymshark’s ‘Some Weights Are Harder to Spot Than Others’ - their initiative and partnership with CALM and The Jed Foundation for Mental Health Awareness Week (UK) earlier this month.

We were tipped off by our friends at Because of Marketing, who shared the campaign on LinkedIn - speaking passionately about its bold, brave, and inspiring message.

By the way: Don’t miss our conversation with Because of Marketing’s Rachel Higgins, our latest guest on The Marketing 7 Podcast. Catch up below.

The high praise for Gymshark’s latest work is entirely justified. It's another mark of the brand’s commitment to broach the subject of mental health and their desire to encourage positive mental wellbeing among their followers and community - something that runs deep and through to the brand’s core values. 

It’s a reminder that there’s more to a person’s wellbeing than simply being in peak physical condition.

It’s a reminder that the person in the gym next to you, however shredded or so-called “good-looking”, may just be bearing the heaviest weight of all - one that relates to their mental health. And that everyone needs someone to spot them once in a while. 

Gymshark’s stance on mental health is one to be admired, and one that all brands can take a cue from. In the age of Instagram, and the pressures to look good all the time, it’s too easy for brands to take advantage; to flog you the surface value “stuff” that may only help in the short term. But not Gymshark. 

Simply Google ‘Gymshark Mental Health” and the results are inspiring. We’re talking tens, if not hundreds, of related blog posts, initiatives, partnerships, tips, and campaigns; all with the same positive underlying message - to look out for yourself and others. 

It really is refreshing to see a brand get it so right, and one that puts their community first, every time. It’s the reason we’re crowning them this month’s BrandIcon. 

You see, the subject of mental health and, in particular, the wellbeing of creatives is one that’s close to our heart.

It’s part of the why behind our platform, which was built in response to our own experience of responding to the demands and deadlines of global marketing. Yes, we wanted to build an efficient solution that would deliver against business outcomes, but crucially it needed to be one that served the people and teams that use it. 

We’re proud that ReMake can enable a collaborative culture and reduce the friction that people, departments, and brands experience in their content production workflow. And we’re excited to see how brands and agencies are using the platform to leverage the power of automation to cut out the complication and release their creatives from the repetitive work of having to make thousands of content iterations. In short, it gives creatives the capacity to do what they do best - create. 

If you’d like to understand more, book a call with our team - and in 15-minutes, we’ll show you how ReMake can unlock the true marketing potential of your brand, and release the creative power of your people.

The Marketing 7 feat. Rachael Higgins on Gymshark.


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